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Single Mom?

Need Help?

Call 361-852-2273

Corpus Christi Hope House provides 24/7 emergency shelter, transitional housing, support, food, clothing, baby items, counseling, education, medical and other assistance to families, pregnant and single mothers, their dependent children and newborn babies who seek an escape from homelessness, addiction, domestic violence, poverty or a crisis pregnancy situation. We provide homeless prevention services, life-skills and parenting classes and Covid-19 assistance to all members of our community. Our ministry empowers our clients by giving them the opportunity to accept responsibility, to care for their children, further their education, obtain employment, permanent housing and become productive, self-sufficient members of our community. Hope House served 19,346 clients in 2024, a record since our formation in 1986! Please call us for assistance and support! 



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           Office Hours

Monday 8 to 5

Tuesday & Thursday 9 to 5

Wednesday 9:30 to 7

Friday 8 to 12

Closed 12 to 1 for Lunch

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