The Hope House Family

Mrs. Melissa Juarez became the full-time Executive Director in April 2012. Melissa has a Bachelor of Science Degree, is a former schoolteacher and was the coordinator of the local Natural Family Planning Office. Melissa is responsible for the daily operation of our ministry.
Ms. Melinda Baker, MPA has a Bachelor of English Degree and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Melinda was our Executive Director from 2001 through 2009 and continues to serve as our Grant Administrator, Consultant and Senior Staff Advisor.
Mr. Raymond Reeves, Board Chairman, also serves a volunteer Chief Executive Officer and manages the overall operation of the ministry. Raymond has been a Volunteer for Hope House since 1987 and Chairman since 1997. Raymond is a retired Mechanical Engineer from the Corpus Christi Army Depot.
Mrs. Robin Perrone is the Financial Advisor and CPA for Hope House. Robin has been a Volunteer for Hope House for over thirty years and is a current board member.
Ms. Sandra Lerma is the Resident Case Manager and has been with us since 2015.
Mr. Michael Heras is the Homeless Prevention Case Manager and has been with us since 2020.
Ms. Debra Arsuaga Case Manager and has been with us since 2012.
Mrs. Vanessa Seballez, Ms. Elessa Gonzales and Ms. Kasey Walters are Client Services Advocates. Vanessa is also the Life-skills Training Coordinator.
Ms. Holly Pierce is our receptionist and Ms. Edith Bonnet is our donation facilitator.
Resident Assistants reside part-time at our Faith Home Shelter to provide after-hours supervision, compassion and guidance for the residents at our four (4) shelter buildings.
Volunteers assist our staff with the 24-7 operation of our ministry, community outreach programs and serve as pregnancy counselors. Board members and advisors volunteer their time as administrators, fund-raising, grant writing, supervision, accounting, professional services and coordination of renovations and repairs.